“Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”
Documentary-Film Appearances
Hong Kong: Final Days of Freedom
Directed by Sean Fleck, 1 hour 42 minutes (2024)Denise Ho: Becoming the Song
Directed by Sue Williams, 1 hour 23 minutes (2020)
Podcast Appearances
Hong Kong’s Voices of Democracy
Hosted by Jude Blanchette, 23 minutes 18 seconds
Hong Kong on the Brink, episode 5, Sept. 23, 2019Hong Kong Pushed to the Edge
Hosted by Sarah Jaffe and Michelle Chen, 67 minutes 8 seconds
Belabored, episode 181, Aug. 9, 2019Hong Kong’s Darkest Hour
Hosted by Graeme Smith and Louisa Lim, 44 minutes 51 seconds
Little Red Podcast, episode 38, June 13, 2019Hong Kong’s Reclamation
Hosted by David M. Alpern, 32 minutes 8 seconds
World Policy on Air, episode 97, Dec. 9, 2016
Selected News Coverage in English
Democrat Tim Walz’s Long-Standing China Ties
N.H.K. World-Japan, Sept. 18, 2024Tim Walz’s Long History With China Shaped by Horrors of Tiananmen
Financial Times, Aug. 21, 2024Chinese School Where Walz Once Taught Is Symbol of Xi’s Tighter Grip on Nation
Bloomberg, Aug. 13, 2024“Always Remember”: How Tim Walz’s Time in China Shaped Him
Guardian, Aug. 13, 2024Tim Walz’s Long Relationship With China Defies Easy Stereotypes
New York Times, Aug. 11, 2024Walz’s China Chops
Wire China, Aug. 8, 2024Walz Has a Long History With China. But He’s Not “Pro-China.”
Washington Post, Aug. 7, 2024Harris VP Pick Walz’s Long History With China May Prove Awkward
Bloomberg, Aug. 7, 2024Tim Walz and China: Close Personal Ties and Sharp Criticism of Beijing
Nikkei Asia, Aug. 7, 2024Hong Kong’s Rulers Rewrite Recent History to Keep Protests Against Chinese Rule Safely in the Past
Globe & Mail, Sept. 25, 2023Brown University Students to Host Senior Chinese Official Implicated in Hong Kong Crackdowns
National Review, March 17, 2023US Extends Special “Safe Haven” Status for Hongkongers Seeking Refuge
South China Morning Post, Jan. 27, 2023A Muted Hong Kong Wonders What the Future Holds
New York Times, Oct. 22, 2022Chicagoans Demonstrate in Solidarity With Hong Kong, Criticize Human Rights Violations
W.B.B.M. News Radio, Oct. 2, 2022In Hong Kong, Mourning the Queen Has Another Purpose: Defying China
C.N.N., Sept. 15, 2022Queen Elizabeth II: Hong Kong’s Grief Sends Message to Beijing
B.B.C. World News, Sept. 15, 2022Smithsonian’s Hong Kong Ties Rile Pro-Democracy Activists
Politico, July 21, 2022In These New Textbooks, Hong Kong Was Never a British Colony
New York Times, June 16, 2022The Future of Activism in Hong Kong — Q&A with Jeffrey Ngo
SupChina, May 27, 2022China Schools Lecturers on “Correct Thinking” Over Ukraine War
Times Higher Education, April 4, 2022Basketball Skills Got Him to the N.B.A., but Activism Made His Name
New York Times, March 24, 2022Hong Kong Visa Denial for Professor “Could Signal Tightening Restrictions”
Times Higher Education, Feb. 19, 2022Students Urge Georgetown to Investigate Financial Ties to Uyghur Genocide
Hoya, Feb. 2, 2022Dozens of Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hongkongers Stage Protest in US Against Beijing Winter Olympics
Asian News International, June 24, 2021US-China Relations: Biden and Xi — Friends or Foes?
B.B.C. World News, May 28, 2021Hong Kong’s Democracy Activists See Kindred Spirits in the US Capitol Insurrection
Quartz, Jan. 20, 2021A Siege on the U.S. Capitol, a Strike Against Democracy Worldwide
Washington Post, Jan. 14, 2021Hong Kong Activists Say Arrests Show Space for Democracy Is Rapidly Shrinking
Wall Street Journal, Jan. 6, 2021Hong Kong Was in a Mental Health Crisis. COVID-19 Made It Worse.
Vice News, Dec. 30, 2020Hong Kong-Based Activists Mostly Silent After US Senator Ted Cruz Blocks Bill Giving Special Refugee Status to Dissidents, Citing Spy Threat From Beijing
South China Morning Post, Dec. 19, 2020Hong Kong Activist Joshua Wong Jailed for More Than a Year Over 2019 Protest
Wall Street Journal, Dec. 2, 2020Agnes Chow, Revered in Japan as the “Goddess of Democracy,” Faces Prison in Hong Kong
Washington Post, Nov. 30, 2020Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement in Dire Straits as Beijing Tightens Grip
Deutsche Welle, Nov. 30, 2020Trump Is a “Necessary Evil” for Some
Atlantic, Oct. 31, 2020Joshua Wong, Democracy Icon in Hong Kong, Arrested for Unauthorized Assembly
Globe & Mail, Sept. 24, 2020Did US Lobbying Efforts Backfire for Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Movement?
(Edited interview with Wilfred Chan)
Nation, Sept. 14, 2020Disney Criticized for Filming “Mulan” in China’s Xinjiang
Associated Press, Sept. 9, 2020Taiwan Pins Hopes on US Election Winner Staying Tough on China
Nikkei Asian Review, Sept. 8, 2020Hong Kong Protesters Are Boycotting the New “Mulan” Movie. Will Disney Care?
Vice News, Sept. 7, 2020COVID Has Made It Even Harder for Hong Kongers Fleeing to Taiwan
Vice News, Sept. 4, 2020For Jeffrey Ngo, The Fight for Hong Kong is Far From Over
Hoya, Aug. 21, 2020How Activists Are Fighting Back Against China’s Controversial Hong Kong Security Law
N.P.R., June 20, 2020How the Killing of George Floyd Exposed Hong Kong Activists’ Uneasy Relationship With Donald Trump
Guardian, June 14, 2020Pro-Beijing Trolls Target Hong Kong
Coda, June 8, 2020Traffic Cones, Leaf Blowers, and Other Brilliant Tactics U.S. Protesters Are Taking From Hong Kong’s Playbook
Vice News, June 3, 2020Hong Kong Protests Resume After Officials Relax Social Distancing Rules
N.P.R., May 15, 2020Hong Kong Dissidents a Further Test for Taiwan-China Ties
Al Jazeera, April 27, 2020Taiwan-Hong Kong Solidarity Will Be a Thorn in China’s Side
Nikkei Asian Review, Jan. 23, 2020Progressives: Taiwan Would Like Your Attention
Nation, Jan. 9, 2010China Turns to a Failed Plan to Quell Hong Kong’s Protests
Atlantic, Dec. 8, 2019All Eyes on Trump’s HK Democracy Bill Decision
Asia Times, Nov. 26, 2019“Not the End”: Victorious Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Candidates Vow to Press on With Demands
Globe & Mail, Nov. 25, 2019Hong Kong Voters Strongly Support Pro-Democracy Candidates
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 24, 2019Hong Kong’s Revolutionary Turn
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 24, 2019Pro Hong Kong Rally in Astor Place Calls for International Action and Support
Washington Square News, Oct. 18, 2019Students Stand in Solidarity With Hong Kong
Tower, Oct. 17, 2019Public Demonstrations Promote Democracy, Hong Kong Activist Says
Hoya, Sept. 27, 2019“Hong Kongers Should Be Allies of the United States”: Congress Urged to Enable Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Who Threaten Territory’s Autonomy
Newsweek, Sept. 9, 2019Anonymous Chalk Messages Debate Hong Kong Protests
Hoya, Sept. 6, 2019Hong Kong Protestors Are Using Pop Culture Memes to Stay Visible to the World
Quartz, Sept. 1, 2019With Lights Twinkling, a Human Chain of Pro-Democracy Protesters in Hong Kong Steps Up Pressure on China
Globe & Mail, Aug. 23, 2019The Flash Mobs of Hong Kong
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 14, 2019“Prepared to Die”: Hong Kong Protesters Embrace Hard-Core Tactics, Challenge Beijing
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 6, 2019Fake News War Divides, Confuses in Hong Kong
A.F.P., July 25, 2019One Country, Two Systems, Millions in the Streets
(Edited interview with Michelle Chen)
Dissent, July 17, 2019Hong Kong’s Flickering Hopes for Freedom
Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2019He Watched the Hong Kong Protests From His Virginia Apartment and Decided He Had to Join
Washington Post, June 21, 2019Hong Kong Leader Backs Down on China Law But More Protests Planned
Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2019Hong Kong’s Youth, Anxious to Be Heard by China, Are Turning From Talk to Violence
Globe & Mail, June 14, 2019Hong Kong Protests Turn Violent in Standoff Over China’s Control
Wall Street Journal, June 12, 2019“You Are Not Alone”: Hongkongers Abroad Mobilise to Oppose Extradition Law Changes
Hong Kong Free Press, June 7, 2019A Student in Boston Wrote “I Am From Hong Kong.” An Onslaught of Chinese Anger Followed. Washington Post, May 24, 2019
Beijing’s “Baleful Influence” on Hong Kong’s Freedom of Speech
Al Jazeera, April 29, 2019Its Sense of Duty Aside, Can Britain Play a Relevant Role in Hong Kong’s Efforts to Preserve Its Autonomy?
South China Morning Post, Dec. 1, 2017Three Years After Umbrella Movement, Hong Kongers Back on the Streets
C.N.N., Oct. 1, 2017One Country… Two Systems? A Question of Autonomy in Hong Kong
McGill International Review, Sept. 30, 2017HK Protest Leader Sets Up History Duel with Beijing
Financial Times, Feb. 18, 2017Demosisto Party, Young Scholars Launch Crowdfunding Campaign to Shed New Light on Hong Kong History
Hong Kong Free Press, Feb. 9, 2017Taiwan Pro-Unification Activist From Hong Kong Opposed Handover in 1980s, Declassified Documents Show
Hong Kong Free Press, Feb. 9, 2017The Idea of Hong Kong Independence… One Year On
Nanfang, Nov. 30, 2016The World, and Congress, Have an Interest in What Happens in Hong Kong
Forbes, Nov. 17, 2016I Will Invade Your Privacy (In Ethical Ways) For Stories
BuzzFeed, Nov. 7, 2016Standoff in Hong Kong’s Legislature Amid Row Over New Lawmakers’ Oaths
Radio Free Asia, Oct. 26, 2016Beijing Engages in “Unprecedented” Op-ed Battle with Hong Kong Activists on Self-Determination
Hong Kong Free Press, Oct. 25, 2016One Year Later: Does New York Still Recognize the Yellow Umbrella?
Midtown Gazette, Oct. 8, 2015The Umbrella Network: How Hong Kongers Took to the Web to Keep Their Protests From Folding
Al Jazeera, June 3, 2015NYU Washington, DC Student Jeffrey Ngo on Activism and Academics in the Nation’s Capital
N.Y.U. Global Dimensions, Nov. 18, 2014Toward a More Perfect Union: The Pursuit of Democracy in Hong Kong
Harvard Political Review, Nov. 3, 2014Panelists Debate Success of Hong Kong Protests
Brown Daily Herald, Oct. 7, 2014Rally Supports Hong Kong Protests
Hoya, Oct. 3, 2014Affiliates Wear Yellow in Solidarity with Hong Kong Protesters
Harvard Crimson, Oct. 2, 2014Hong Kong Pro-democracy Protesters Draw Support From Around the World
South China Morning Post, Sept. 27, 2014Newsday (Live TV interview by Rico Hizon)
B.B.C. World News, Sept. 22, 2014
Selected News Coverage in Chinese
美國之音(粵語),2024年9月10日因應中共威脅 三十名藏維臺港青年在臺跨運動連結
《端》傳媒,2020年6月30日羅冠聰專訪 政治與生命結合的瞬間
《立場新聞》,2020年6月22日特朗普:貿易談判續談香港民主人權 本港政界︰《美港政策法》報告才見真章
《立場新聞》,2019年10月18日兩岸三地留美生觀察反送中 憂中港裂痕加深
中央社,2019年9月24日解構美國《香港人權與民主法案》 香港人的國際戰線
《立場新聞》,2019年8月16日反送中全球29城市遍地開花 海外港青:香港實在太危險了
《壹週刊》,2019年6月8日全球17個城巿與港同行 6月9日集氣反送中
多元文化電視台 - 都市聚焦,2018年1月12日特首選舉倒數 90後留學生點睇?
《蘋果日報》香港,2017年3月26日港政圈爆「不任命論」 紐約華人領袖評:好蠢嘅做法
《金融時報》(中文),2017年2月21日歷史檔案 — 香港活動人士的新戰場
英國廣播公司(中文),2017年2月20日眾籌赴英美蒐解密檔案 青年學人:為2047年香港探路
《蘋果日報》香港,2017年2月9日英美蒐港前途文件 網上公開 年輕學人眾籌建香港檔案庫
《蘋果日報》香港,2016年9月2日毋忘六四 紐約中國領事館前百人冒雨悼念
美國之音(粵語),2014年9月2日旅美港人 支持真普選
《世界日報》,2014年9月2日「佔中運動」如箭在弦 紐約人聲援港爭取真普選
Selected News Coverage in Other Languages
Hong Kong: ‘Cần quốc tế ủng hộ nhưng ông Trump không quá quan trọng’
B.B.C. (Tiếng Việt), June 12, 2020Hong Kong vẫn tưởng nhớ Thiên An Môn: “Ký ức tập thể là sức mạnh”
B.B.C. (Tiếng Việt), June 10, 2019Sinh viên Hong Kong tại Mỹ biểu tình ủng hộ dân chủ
Radio Free Asia (Vietnamese), Oct. 2, 2014
Die etwas andere China-Connection von Tim Walz
Der Spiegel, Aug. 8, 2024